
Are You Spiritually Where You Want To Be?


Are you doing any self- examination as you begin this new year of 2022? As you examine your life, you need to ask yourself, “Am I where I want to be in life?”  Whatever your life is like, are you happy with it? If your life had to remain just as it is now, would you be satisfied? Are you spiritually where you want to be at this time in your life?

Most of us would like to do better with our lives in the future than we have done to this point. We can come up with all kinds of reasons why we are where we are. Relationships are not what they ought to be. Our finances are shaky or maybe worse. Our careers have not gone as we expected. We have health and physical concerns. Many of us worry more about our physical lives than our spiritual ones.

So, what about your spiritual life? Is it good? Is it comforting and satisfying? Does it make you feel fulfilled and rewarded?  Do you feel “the peace of God which surpasses all understanding?” (Philippians 4:7) Are you confident of your eternal destiny? ( I John 5:13) These are far more important considerations that those in the physical realm.

We would probably want our spiritual lives to be better. We would probably like to be more in tune with what the Word of God says. Most of us would like to have a better understanding of the scriptures. (Colossians 1:9-10)

So, what are you going to do about your spiritual life? As we enter this new year, are you going to make any changes, or are you going to put your spiritual life out of your mind and let another year go by without any spiritual growth? Will you make up your mind to start making changes? Will you refocus your life on attending Bible studies and worship services? (Hebrews 10:25) Will you decide to read your Bible regularly? (2 Timothy 2:15) Will you pray to God every day? (I Thessalonians 5:17) Will you decide to get involved in the church and actively serve the Lord? (Ephesians 2:10) What will you do?

The start of a new year is a great time to refocus spiritually. Make a commitment to work on improving and developing your spiritual life. Stop making excuses for not attending services. Commit to reading and studying your Bible daily. Set your priorities by putting God first. If you do these things, you may be surprised how much your spiritual life may change in one year.     Written by Larry Schneider