


On Friday night, my family and I attended the Fourth of July Celebration at Conner Prairie. It was an evening filled with patriotic music, messages, and of course, fireworks. As I sat there and took it all in,    my spirits were lifted as I thought  about freedom. It was exciting to see thousands of people, young and old, stand as the flag was carried through the venue by reenactors from the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. It brought a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes to hear songs like “God Bless America,” “The Star-Spangled Banner,” “America, the Beautiful,” and “Stars and Stripes, Forever,” played by the orchestra and sung by the audience. It amazed me at the number of references to God and the Creator that were mentioned during the celebration. It reminded me that many have given their lives so that we might enjoy the freedoms we have in America today.

As I felt the patriotism in the crowd, my mind changed to thinking about the greatest sacrifice of all time. Thinking about the one individual who died for all mankind so that we might have freedom. As I surveyed the throng of people there, I wondered how many of them knew that Jesus Christ died to make them free; not freedom from some foreign country or tyrant, but freedom from the burden of sin; freedom from the grasp of the devil and the ultimate freedom from the grip of everlasting punishment in hell. Jesus stated in John 8:36, “Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” Previously in John 8:32, Christ stated, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” freedom from the bondage of sin. Obedience to the Lord means having fellowship with Him, receiving protection from Him, and abiding in His love. Paul writes in Romans 6:22, “But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life.” There can be nothing better than being released from the chains of sin that is offered to us by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Go ahead and celebrate the freedom that we have in this country this weekend. Attend the patriotic displays and celebrations. Listen to the music and dwell upon the words about our country. Marvel at the fireworks that illuminate the skies and fill our hearts with wonder. Thank the many individuals who gave their lives so that we might live in a country with freedoms.

Remember always that the greatest sacrifice was given by God, the Father, and His Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ, on the cross of Calvary. “Would you be free from your burden of sin? There is power in the blood.” If you have not done so already, please take advantage of the blood of Jesus Christ and have your burden of sin lifted and walk in the freedom of Jesus Christ.                              


Written by Larry Schneider