
Planting a Garden


Many of us have spent the last few weeks preparing and planting our gardens. We enjoy the feel of the soil between our fingers and the joy that working in the sun brings us. Being outdoors and planting seeds and flowers brings a satisfaction that is hard to explain. The amazing world that God has created inspires us to plant the seeds and watch them grow into vegetables and flowers.

Here is a short poem by Luci Shaw that might give us a different perspective on planting seeds. Her poem is called “Forecast.”

Planting seeds


Changes my feelings

About rain.

Think about the helpful insights that this short poem brings to us.

First, a new perspective on rain or adversity.

Most often, rain is seen as a nuisance. While we acknowledge that rain is necessary for life, not many of us enjoy having a ball game or concert rained out. It is pretty unusual for people to have picnics, ride bikes, drive convertibles, or play golf in the rain. Many people avoid doing anything if it is raining. Many look upon rain as a disappointment or a type of adversity, but, for the one who planted the garden, rain offers the opportunity for the seeds to germinate and grow into the beautiful vegetables or flowers created by God. We all go through difficult stages in life, but we need to look for the good in those rainy times. Hebrews 12:11 states, “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”

Second, the poem gives us a new perspective on labor.

Hard work pays off. The investment of time and labor put into planting seeds and flowers yields results. The results may not be immediate, but it produces fruit in the long run. Take the time to plant seeds and flowers to admire their growth. Plant seeds of kindness as you go through your life with the people you meet and influence. Plant the seeds of the Gospel with your family and friends. It will make a difference. Jesus often used the imagery of planting seeds in His teaching. From the way that people would receive the Word of God (Matthew 13:1-23) to the way the Kingdom would grow. (Matthew 13:31-31)

Third, the poem gives a new perspective on hope.

Without the rain there is no growth of the seeds or the flowers. Let us be patient with God and His plan. We must learn to trust God to bless us after the rain and the storm clouds pass. “He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. “ ( Psalm 126:6)   We must plant the seeds and expect the rain. Then we can enjoy God’s blessings.