
You Have Been Warned



Think about all the warning signs present in our lives today. We see signs such as: Bridge Out,  Poison, Road Narrows, Do Not Pass, Detour, Road Closed, Keep out of reach of Children, Do not operate machinery after taking this Medication, and the list goes on each day. We are wise to heed these warnings. Yet, have you considered the 4 places God placed a “Do not be deceived,” warning sign in the New Testament.

First, Jesus warns us in Luke 21:8, “Take heed that you not be deceived. For Many will come in My name……”  Jesus warns Peter, Andrew, James, and John to be on alert for false teachers. Surely, if these men who were with Jesus for more than 3 years needed a warning, then so do we. False teachers are everywhere in the world today, and we need to be on guard that they do not trap us. You have been warned!

Second, Paul warns Christians in I Corinthians 6:9, “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived.”  Paul then goes on to list many sins that will keep the unrighteous out of the kingdom. With the increasing immorality that we see rampant in our country, we must take heed of this warning sign. You have been warned!

Thirdly, Paul writes in I Corinthians 15:33, “Do not be deceived. Evil company corrupts good habits.”  We often give this warning to our younger people about evil companions corrupting the good morals of young people. Older Christians need to hear this warning just as much as younger ones. If we think that our ungodly friends can never drag us down, we may have already been deceived. You have been warned!

The fourth time this expression is used is in Galatians 6:7-8. Paul writes, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows that he will also reap.”  We are either sowing to the Spirit or sowing to the flesh. Our lives are either focused on this world or on the Spiritual World. If we believe that we can live in both these worlds at the same time, we are badly mistaken. You have been warned!

Wise individuals read and heed warning signs. They are there for our protection. Wiser individuals read and heed heavenly warning signs that are also there for our protection. Are you wise?

  Written by Larry Schneider