
Are You Wasting Your Gifts?


Are you a big fan of gift cards? Many people are big fans. They love to get them so  they can buy what they want with them. They love to give them so that others may get want they want as well. Finally, they are so easy when it comes to shopping for a gift. You are in and out of the store in five minutes or less. It makes shopping a breeze.

However, did you know that many people never use the gift cards they are given? Billions of dollars in gift cards go unused, unclaimed, or unspent each year. Those are billions of dollars that are either lost, unwanted, or wasted each year.

The spiritual application is easy to see as we compare the gifts that God has given us to the wasted gift cards of our time. God has blessed us with all kinds of gifts. He has given us Christ, the Bible, the family, our jobs, our time, and many other gifts too numerous to mention, but what exactly are we doing with these gifts?

Ephesians 5:15-17 tells us, “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”   Paul reminds us that we need to make good use of our time and that we must use those gifts that God has bestowed upon us.

We don’t have to waste the gifts that we have been given. We have been given so many gifts and opportunities from God that we must apply them to our lives. Some have been taught the Gospel but have never obeyed. Some have obeyed the Gospel but then either drifted away from Christ or wandered from the truth.  Some have obeyed the Gospel but never put it into action. Too many of us allow our precious gifts to go unused.

Are you using the gifts God has given to you for His glory? Just as the gift cards can still be redeemed and used, so can our gifts from God be reclaimed. The opportunities to use our gifts are always there, if we look for them. Don’t allow the gifts that God has given you to remain dormant. If we all start using the gifts, then we can help the Lord’s Church grow in this community.

  Written by Larry Schneider